Editor Integration
`Visual Studio Code `__
The Language Server is natively supported through the `Modern Fortran`_ extension.
Install ``fortls`` then install the extension and all the server's features should be instantly available.
.. _Modern Fortran: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=fortran-lang.linter-gfortran
.. important::
Make sure that ``fortls`` is reachable in your ``$PATH``. If not you can specify the option
``"fortran.fortls.path": "/custom/path/to/fortls"``
`Atom `__
Firstly ``fortls`` then install the `language-fortran`_ plugin by `@dparkins`_ to get Fortran syntax highlighting.
Finally, install either `fortran-lsp`_ by `@gnikit`_ or `ide-fortran`_ by `@hansec`_
.. warning::
`fortran-lsp`_ has been created solely for the ``fortls`` Language Server, hence it natively interfaces with ``fortls``.
`ide-fortran`_ was created for an older, now deprecated, Fortran Language Server hence the options
available through the extension are not representative of ``fortls``'s interface.
.. _language-fortran: https://atom.io/packages/language-fortran
.. _@dparkins: https://github.com/dparkins
.. _fortran-lsp: https://atom.io/packages/fortran-lsp
.. _@gnikit: https://github.com/gnikit
.. _ide-fortran: https://atom.io/packages/ide-fortran
.. _@hansec: https://github.com/hansec
`Sublime Text `__
Firstly, install ``fortls`` then install the `LSP`_ package from package control.
Finally, install the `Fortran`_ package and add the following in your configuration
.. code-block:: json
"clients": {
"fortls": {
"enabled": true,
"command": ["fortls", "--notify_init"],
"selector": "source.modern-fortran | source.fixedform-fortran"
For more details see the LSP `documentation`_.
.. _LSP: https://github.com/sublimelsp/LSP
.. _Fortran: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Fortran
.. _documentation: https://lsp.sublimetext.io/language_servers/#fortran
`neovim `__
.. warning::
For neovim versions < 0.5.0 follow the instructions in the :ref:`vim` section.
Neovim version >= 0.5.0 `natively supports LSP `_.
To enable the native LSP functionality install the `lspconfig`_ plugin with your
favourite plugin manager.
Then in your configuration file (i.e. ``init.lua``) add the following:
.. code-block:: lua
If additional ``fortls`` options need to be passed to you can do that through
the ``cmd`` option in ``setup{}``
.. code-block:: lua
cmd = {
.. important::
If you are just starting with ``neovim`` it is strongly recommended using
the `Suggested configuration`_ from `lspconfig`_ for keybingings and server
attaching. **Remember to attach the server during setup{}**
.. _lspconfig: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig
.. _Suggested configuration: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig#suggested-configuration
.. _vim:
`Vim `__
Vim does not support LSP natively, so a 3rd party extensions need to be installed.
A few options are available:
`YouCompleteMe `__
`YouCompleteMe `__
is a popular Vim plugin and code-completion engine that also provides an LSP interface.
You can therefore use it to register Language Servers like ``fortls``.
For more information about configuring an arbitrary Language Server in YouCompleteMe,
`see here `__.
.. code-block:: vim
" YouCompleteMe configuration options
let g:ycm_language_server =
\ {
\ 'name': 'fortls',
\ 'cmdline': ['fortls', '--hover_language', 'fortran', '--notify_init', '--hover_signature', '--use_signature_help'],
\ 'filetypes': ['fortran'],
\ 'project_root_files': ['.fortls'],
\ },
nmap yfw (YCMFindSymbolInWorkspace)
nmap yfd (YCMFindSymbolInDocument)
`LanguageClient-neovim `__
Firstly install the plugin `LanguageClient-neovim`_. Then edit your ``~/.vimrc`` settings file
to set ``fortls`` for Fortran files
.. code-block:: vim
" Required for operations modifying multiple buffers like rename. set hidden
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
" Add any default arguments you want fortls to have inside []
\ 'fortran': ['fortls', '--hover_signature', '--hover_language', 'fortran', '--use_signature_help'],
\ }
" note that if you are using Plug mapping you should not use `noremap` mappings.
nmap (lcn-menu)
" Or map each action separately
nmap K (lcn-hover)
nmap gd (lcn-definition)
nmap (lcn-rename)
.. _LanguageClient-neovim: https://github.com/autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim
`EMACS `__
`LSP Mode `__
Install the `lsp-mode`_ plugin. This should then allow for the variables
`lsp-clients-fortls-args`_ and `lsp-clients-fortls-executable`_ to be defined in the ``~/.emacs`` configuration file.
.. _lsp-mode: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/installation
.. _lsp-clients-fortls-args: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/lsp-fortran/#lsp-clients-fortls-args
.. _lsp-clients-fortls-executable: https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/lsp-fortran/#lsp-clients-fortls-executable
`Eglot `__
Install the `eglot`_ package which supports fortls out of the box.
This can be done in emacs version > 26.1 via ``M-x package-install RET eglot RET``.
Arguments to ``fortls`` can be provided in the form
.. code-block:: elisp
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(f90-mode . ("fortls" "--notify_init" "--nthreads=4")))
.. _eglot: https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot
Visual Studio 2017
Installing this `VS17 extension`_ should enable ``fortls`` features in Visual Studio
.. _VS17 extension: https://github.com/michaelkonecny/vs-fortran-ls-client
`Kakoune `__
Install `kak-lsp `_.
Edit the ``kak-lsp.toml`` config file to include:
.. code-block:: sh
filetypes = ["fortran"]
roots = [".git", ".fortls"]
command = "fortls"
args = ["--symbol_skip_mem", "--incremental_sync", "--autocomplete_no_prefix", "--lowercase_intrisics"]
Edit your ``kakrc`` config to enable ``kak-lsp``, adding ``fortran`` as a filetype:
.. code-block:: sh
eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session}
# lsp-enable
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(fortran) %{