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Sep 06, 2024

1 min read

fortls is a tool known as a language server that interfaces with your code editor (VS Code, Vim, etc.) to provide features like code completion, code navigation, hover messages, and many more.


The project is available for download through the PyPi and Anaconda package managers

pip install fortls

For more information see pypi/fortls

conda install -c conda-forge fortls

For more installation instructions, see conda-forge/fortls.

brew install fortls

For more installation instructions, see brew/fortls.

Alternatively, one can install the development version from GitHub via

pip install --user --upgrade git+git://


It is NOT possible having fortls and fortran-language-server simultaneously installed, since they use the same executable name. If you are having trouble getting fortls to work try uninstalling fortran-language-server and reinstalling fortls.


To make full use of fortls in your workflow you need to


Depending on the code editor used, different steps will have to be followed to integrate fortls. Luckily, we support numerous code editors and have detailed instructions in the Editor Integration section.

Example: VS Code

Setting up fortls with VS Code is as simple as installing the Modern Fortran extension.


The Language Server by default is configured with reasonable settings however, depending on the project additional settings might need to be configured, such as source file paths, or additional preprocessor definitions.

Instructions on how to do this and much more can be found in the Configuration options section.